PHOTO REPORT – E L E V E N T H Plane Spotting Days with Wizz Air (FIRST after dark…)

Thank you, Wizz Air, thank you, Cluj International Airport! (Photo by Imreh-Rácz Előd)

Yes, it took place on Sunday, April 15, 2018 from 8 PM with the assistance of the Cluj International Airport (thank you, general director CICEO David!), the Wizz Air base captain (Mulţumim, domnule MIHĂILESCU Valentin!),Wizz Air captains NÁDASI Norbert and MARACSKÓ Sándor and cabin crew VÂGA Anda and DÁVID Zsófia! Thank you captains, köszönjük CC! 🙂

It was a mixed group: there were university professors, students, children, plane spotters, experienced gliders, a journalist, a political analyst, as well as a well an appreciated handyman. 🙂

The professional photos of Imreh-Rácz Előd:

These are some of the photos Bianka and Oliver took of the 22 participants during the 2 hour event: explaining the technicalities of the Airbus A320 outside the aircraft (group 1), detailing the job and duties (and life) of the cabin crew (group 2) and explaining how toe pilots operate in the cockpit of the airplane (group 3).

The novelty was that – for the very first time – we visited the aircraft and saw the cockpit after dark…

Let the photos tell the story (Előd’s much more professional photographs will follow):

PHOTOS – T E N T H plane spotting days with Wizz Air

The group…

I think we count well: this was the 10th edition of the Plane Spotting Days organized by the Hungarian Plane Spotting Club of Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg.

It took place on Sunday, December 3, 2017.

Here are some photos from the event:

N I N T H Plane Spotting Days with Wizz Air in Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg (UPDATED)


Wanna sit in the captain’s seat? 🙂

Background information here.


Day 1: Saturday, October 29, 2016

Part 1:

  • Plane spotting at the Cluj International Airport: 11-15 h. Meet you at 46°46’56.90″N  23°40’19.75″E

Part 2:

  •         Meeting/having dinner/drinking a beer/chatting with the Wizz Air pilots, cabin crew as well as air traffic controllers.
  •         Details: private, invitation-only event!
  •         Venue: Bulgakov Literary Café, Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg, I.M.Klein/Virág utca #17.
  •        Time: 8 PM
  •         Participants: members of the HPSCC, WizzAir pilots, first officers, air traffic controllers and cabin crew.

Thanks, Wizz Air!


Day 2: Sunday, October 30, 2016

  • Visiting Cluj International Airport with the co-operation of Mr. Ciceo David, director general.
  • Visiting a Wizz Air airplane with the co-operation of Mr. Gergely KOVÁCS, Wizz Air CLJ base captain.
  •         Details: private, invitation-only event!
  •         Venue: CLJ International Airport
  •         Time: 9:30-12

PHOTOS – Eighth Plane Spotting Days in Cluj with WizzAir


The team…

The WizzAir base captain, pilots, plane spotters, cabin crew, members of the WizzAir Fan Club Cluj, but also “simple” enthusiasts attended the 8th edition of the Plane Spotting Days organized by the Hungarian Plane Spotting Club of Cluj-Napoca/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg.

Thanks Mr. Kovács Gergő, WizzAir CLJ base captain and Mr. David Ciceo, director of the Cluj International Airport!

Photos by: Bikfalvi Zsolt and Gyurka Zoltán.

E I G H T H Plane Spotting Days in Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg

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Mr. Pilot, what is this?


Background information here.


 Day 1: Sunday, May 29, 2016.

  • Visiting Cluj International Airport with the co-operation of Mr. Ciceo David, director general.
  • Visiting a WizzAir airplane with the co-operation of Mr. Gergely KOVÁCS, WizzAir CLJ base captain.
  •         Details: private, invitation-only event!
  •         Venue: CLJ International Airport
  •         Time: 9 AM – 11 AM


Day 2: Monday, May 30, 2016.

  •         Meeting/having dinner/drinking a beer/chatting with the WizzAir pilots, cabin crew as well as air traffic controllers.
  •         Details: private, invitation-only event!
  •         Venue: Bulgakov Literary Café, Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg, I.M.Klein/Virág utca #17.
  •        Time: evening
  •         Participants: members of the HPSCC, WizzAir pilots, first officers, air traffic controllers and cabin crew.


Day 3: Tuesday, May 31, 2016.

  • Plane spotting at the Cluj International Airport

S E V E N T H Plane Spotting Days in Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg

Thanks to the increased volume of traffic at the Cluj International Airport, as well as the diversification of the aircraft that are present in this location, plane spotting activities has intensified. Private people have flocked to the proximity of the Cluj International Airport (CLJ) mainly to spot the bigger, thus more impressive WizzAir planes, name the famous Airbus A320s. This activity has gained significant momentum.

Since February 2011 the first activities of the Hungarian Plane Spotting Club of Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg were organized at the Cluj International Airport. Előd IMREH-RÁCZ, Norbert SZILVESZTER and Olivér KISS have started to regularly observe and photograph airplanes the Cluj International Airport.

At the first birthday (Spring 2012) of our un-institutionalized plane spotting activities the Hungarian Plane Spotting Club of Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg was formed. We strongly thing that even after 100 years, flying is very special, and the people who effectively realize it are amazing. We admire all of them.

These are why the Hungarian Plane Spotting Club of Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg (HPSCC) decided to organize the First Plane Spotting Days in Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg between March 21-23, 2012. This is the seventh event  – the sixth took place in Autumn 2014.


 Day 1: Saturday, November 7, 2015

  • Visiting Cluj International Airport with the co-operation of Mr. Ciceo David, director general.
  • Visiting a WizzAir airplane with the co-operation of Mr. Gergely KOVÁCS, WizzAir CLJ base captain.
  •         Details: private, invitation-only event!
  •         Venue: CLJ International Airport
  •         Time: 9.30 AM – 12.30 PM

Day 2: Sunday, November 8, 2015

  • Plane spotting at the Cluj International Airport

Day 3: Monday, November 9, 2015

  •         Meeting/having dinner/drinking a beer/chatting with the WizzAir pilots, cabin crew as well as air traffic controllers.
  •         Details: private, invitation-only event!
  •         Venue: Bulgakov Literary Café, Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg, I.M.Klein/Virág utca #17.
  •        Time: 8 PM
  •         Participants: members of the HPSCC, WizzAir pilots, first officers, air traffic controllers and cabin crew

Due to the cold weather this evening’s plane spotting is CANCELLED!

That close?

That close?

It’s too cold to have a public plane spotting event this evening, so we decided to cancel.

Sorry, maybe next time!

Photos and video report about Sunday’s events (aircraft visit and dinner+beers with the WizzAir CLJ base captain, pilots) soon…

S I X T H Plane Spotting Days in Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg (With final program!)

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Safety inspector (Photo by Olivér Kiss)


Thanks to the increased volume of traffic at the Cluj International Airport, as well as the diversification of the aircraft that are present in this location, plane spotting activities has intensified. Private people have flocked to the proximity of the Cluj International Airport (CLJ) mainly to spot the bigger, thus more impressive WizzAir planes, name the famous Airbus A320s. This activity has gained significant momentum.

Since February 2011 the first activities of the Hungarian Plane Spotting Club of Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg were organized at the Cluj International Airport. Előd IMREH-RÁCZ, Norbert SZILVESZTER and Olivér KISS have started to regularly observe and photograph airplanes the Cluj International Aiport.

At the first birthday (Spring 2012) of our un-institutionalized plane spotting activities the Hungarian Plane Spotting Club of Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg was formed. We strongly thing that even after 100 years, flying is very special, and the people who effectively realize it are amazing. We admire all of them.

These are why the Hungarian Plane Spotting Club of Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg (HPSCC) decided to organize the First Plane Spotting Days in Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg between March 21-23, 2012. This is the sixth event  – the fifth took place in Spring 2014.



FINAL PROGRAM (Updated October 14, 2014)

 Day 1., Sunday, October 26, 2014


  • Visiting Cluj International Airport with the co-operation of Mr. Ciceo David, director general.
  • Visiting a WizzAir airplane with the co-operation of Mr. Gergely KOVÁCS, WizzAir CLJ base captain.
  •         Details: publicized, but private, invitation-only event!
  •         Venue: CLJ International Airport
  •         Time: 9.30 AM – 1 PM


  • Meeting/having dinner/drinking a beer/chatting with the WizzAir pilots, cabin crew as well as air traffic controllers.
  •         Details: publicized, but private, invitation-only event!
  •         Venue: Bulgakov Literary Café, Cluj/Kolozsvár/Klausenburg, I.M.Klein/Virág utca #17.
  •        Time: 7 PM
  •         Participants: members of the HPSCC, WizzAir pilots, first officers, air traffic controllers and cabin crew


Day 2., Monday, October 27, 2014*** (!)

  • Plane spotting at the Cluj International Airport with the WizzAir pilots.
  •         Details: public road next to the Western fence, open-to-all, publicized event, unlimited number of participants.
  •         Venue: CLJ International Airport
  •         Time: from 5 to 7 PM
  •          Remarks: during the event Fény/Light will be served (reserved pour les conaisseurs!)

*** After party at Lori’s (to be confirmed) ***


The following arrivals are planned for Monday, October 27, 2014:

Luni W6 3362 Dortmund Cluj-Napoca 14:10 17:20 Wizz Air A320
Luni W6 3394 Bologna Cluj-Napoca 14:50 17:40 Wizz Air A320
Luni RO 645 București – Otopeni Cluj-Napoca 17:00 18:10 Tarom AT5
Luni RO 647 București – Otopeni Cluj-Napoca 17:25 18:35 Tarom AT7
Luni W6 3382 Bergamo Cluj-Napoca 15:45 18:40 Wizz Air A320

Készülőben a Negyedik Kolozsvári Plane Spotting Napok

Minden bizonnyal október 27-én, vasárnap délután veszi kezdetét a Negyedik Kolozsvári Plane Spotting Napok.

Részletek itt.

FOTÓRIPORT, VIDEÓK – Harmadik Plane Spotting Napok Kolozsváron

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Nóra és Panni a pilótafülkében…

(Első és második nap)

Április 17-19. időszakban immár harmadik alkalommal szervezett repülőgép-kukkoló napokat Kolozsvári Magyar Plane Spotting (Repülőgépleső) Társaság. Az első nap, azaz szerdán este a repülőgép-kukkulók a WizzAir légitársaság egyik pilótájával, illetve az irányítótorony két munkatársával társalogtak. Ugyanakkor izgalmas volt hallgatni, amint a pilóta az légi irányító munkájának különböző vonatozásai felől érdeklődik és fordítva. Sokszor a beszélgetés műszaki elemeit csak ketten értették, de több repülőgép-kukkoló érdeklődve faggatta őket ezekről a részletekről. Kiderült például, hogy a kolozsvári légi irányítás munkatársai az amerikai egyesült államokbeli Miamiban képezik tovább magukat. Közölték: munkájuk korántsem annyira titokzatos, mint ahogy azt sokan képzelik.

Csütörtökön tíz repülőgép-kukkoló, illetve a repülés ismeretlen aspektusai iránt érdeklődő fiatal három kisgyerek társaságában ellátogatott az irányítótoronyba, megtekintett kívülről és belülről egy állomásozó repülőgépet. Természetesen, a legnagyobb sikert a pilótafülke aratta: a felnőtt kukkolók elsőbbséget adta a kicsinyeknek, akik kétszer annyit időt tölthettek a „varázshelyen”, mint a többiek.

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A WizzAir új nagykövetei (balról jobbra): Panni, Nóra és Villő

A gyerekek egy pilóta segítségével választ kaphattak a temérdek kérdésre, s magyarázatot kaptak arról is, melyik kapcsolónak, gombnak, mi a szerepe, illetve a pilóták mire használják a botkormányt és a pedálokat. A korábbi két alkalomhoz viszonyítva újdonság, hogy jelen volt három utaskísérő hölgy is, aki az általuk végzett munka sajátosságairól, nehézségeiről számolt be.

Ma este a klub tagjai és szimpatizánsai a Kolozsvári Nemzetközi Repülőtér nyugati kerítésénél lesik a vasmadarakat – pilóták társaságában.

A rendezvénysorozat David Ciceo reptérigazgató, Alexander Hecht, a WizzAir diszkont légitársaság kolozsvári báziskapitánya, illetve Gelu Suliţeanu, a kolozsvári irányítótorony igazgatója segítségével zajlott.